#OneWord365: Voice

I’ve only done the One Word 365 challenge once, but it really did impact the way that I approached my life that year. I was more mindful of the choices that I made, and I think it helped me become a stronger person. Then my life took a major detour, and for a long time […]

New Year, New You

The new year is almost upon us. We hang a clean new calendar on the wall and it makes it almost believe that because we had a party at midnight things will be different. We will be different. We start off the year with grand plans of how we can be better people. We will go […]

Keeping Christ in Christmas

It’s that time of year again. The time when I’m last-minute shopping because “oh my gosh, it’s 9 days until Christmas, how the crap did that happen?” Trying to get things (always the things) ordered in time so they can get under the tree in time with mixed success. It’s the time of baking Christmas cookies […]

Scars Fade

I was examining my arms the other day, and I realized that my scars from this summer have faded. I don’t know quite when it happened, but unless I’m looking really hard, I can’t see them any more. I remember those first days, angry red punctures from needle after needle being pushed into skin, searching for veins […]

To the Mamas of Black Boys

To the Mamas of Black Boys, I don’t know how you do it. How you look fear in the face every morning and go on in spite of it. I get it a little bit – every mama of boys does. We all have fears about parenting these future men. Are we raising them to […]

The Good That Is

The package arrived in July, maybe August. I don’t remember. The days after our son died were filled with sadness and I didn’t really pay attention to dates other than to mark off one week, two weeks, a month since I delivered a stillborn child.